For most people, papillomas are just a cosmetic defect. And few of them suspect that epithelial growths are likely to turn into a malignant tumor, causing cancer. It is essential to get rid of them, but at the same time, one must take into account the reason why they appear. Most of the time, these are signs of very weakened immunity. Consequently, if this factor is not eliminated in the future, papillomas will appear again and again. What causes papillomas and how to deal with them? What do doctors say about it? How to remove papillomas alone at home and you can do that?
Why do papillomas occur?
Thus, papillomas are epithelial neoplasms caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) activity. To date, about 100 strains of HPV have been registered in medicine. They cause the appearance of not only papillomas, but also warts, warts. Its etiology is similar, but they arise due to the activity of different strains of the virus.
How deeply do papillomas "grow"? Most of the time, they affect only the upper and middle layers of the skin, also affecting the capillary network. To be more precise, it is for the vessels that growth grows, receiving from the blood the nutrients necessary for reproduction. Consequently, a simple "cut" of the visible part of the papilloma will not be enough to eliminate it forever. This will only worsen the patient's condition and, in some cases, can lead to the development of skin cancer.
It is also worth considering that papillomas can also occur within a person. Most of the time, this applies to the oral mucosa and the organs of the reproductive system. For example, HPV type 16 often causes genital warts to appear in the cervical region. And if they are detected prematurely, the woman will develop cancer.
How doctors suggest removing papillomas
How to get rid of papillomas on the body? Medicine today offers several ways:
- Cut with a scalpel. At the same time, the doctor performs local anesthesia, after which he cuts the injured area of the skin along with the soft tissues where the papilloma "grew".
- Cryogenic freezing. The papilloma is exposed to liquid nitrogen, which leads to its atrophy. After several weeks, the neoplasm is rejected by the body independently.
- Laser removal. It means getting rid of papillomas by thermal exposure to them. It is less traumatic than surgical removal.
- Treatment with formic acid. In fact, this is a cauterization of papillomas. Only suitable for minor injuries.
- Removal of radio waves. A smooth method that is not inferior in efficiency to a laser method, but works in a similar way.
Papilloma removal is performed only in a hospital (in a clinic) by a surgeon, followed by a biopsy and the neoplasm is sent for histological examination. The latter is done to establish with precision that the removed papilloma has not turned into a malignant tumor.
Do I need to remove papillomas from the body? After all, the same moles are eliminated only in cases where there is a risk of mechanical damage. But with papillomas, the situation is a little different. By themselves, they will not disappear, but will affect only most of the epithelium. And so it will be until the patient's immune system normalizes and, at the same time, all neoplasms are removed, because they are a focus of viral infection.
Is it painful to remove papillomas with the above methods? The doctor always does local anesthesia before handling. After the operation, all painful sensations literally disappear in a few hours. The only exceptions are cases in which the removal of bulky papillomas is performed using the section method. Even postoperative scars can remain in place (but no sutures are applied).
Pharmacology in the treatment of papillomatosis
How to get rid of papilloma without surgery? Do these methods exist and can doctors use them? How to remove papilloma at home? The means are there, but they are quite aggressive. One of the most common drugs in this group is a special pencil. Its base is silver ions, which penetrate the upper and middle layers of the skin and have an antiviral (local) effect. In fact, the removal of the papilloma, in this case, is carried out due to the chemical destruction of the neoplasia.
Freezing pencils (sold in pharmacies) have similar effects. Dermatologists recognize these methods of removing papillomas, but medical supervision in this case is mandatory. That is, before using the product, you should definitely consult a doctor, and then visit him at least once a week to monitor the patient's condition and do an examination.
Is it dangerous to remove papillomas on your own? If you strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, this will not pose any danger to the patient. The main thing when using the same pencil is to apply the product strictly on the affected part of the skin. If even an insignificant part falls into a healthy part, it will also be rejected later.
But it is not always possible to cauterize papillomas with these methods. If its size is too large, pharmacology is powerless here. The doctor then prescribes the surgical removal of the papilloma from the body, followed by the administration of immunomodulators.
Is it possible to remove papillomas alone, without consulting a doctor? This is strongly discouraged, since it is impossible to accurately diagnose HPV without testing. Consequently, the patient can only harm himself.
How to prevent relapse
The main annoyance of HPV infection is that papillomas in the future, even after their removal, will still appear. The reason for this is a virus that remains in the body forever after infection. The papillomavirus can remain in the blood for life, but it will only manifest when the immune system is weakened. So, to prevent this, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system in all possible ways, eliminate other chronic diseases and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is best to consult a virologist and immunologist on this matter.
Is it possible to get rid of papillomas forever, simply by strengthening your immunity? Small formations that do not affect capillaries can actually atrophy and be rejected by the body. In any case, the big ones will have to be eliminated. Doctors do not make predictions about this score, since each organism reacts to such therapy in a purely individual way.
Alternative medicine against papillomas

How to remove papillomas using traditional medicine? The simplest and most effective remedy is fresh celandine juice. It works by analogy with a pencil, that is, it penetrates the deep pores of the skin and destroys the virus itself, causing the destruction and subsequent removal of the papilloma. Burdock oil has a similar effect, but is used with extreme caution - it can cause allergies.
You can also cauterize the papilloma with bright green, but this method only works against small cancers. And it makes no sense to use it against plantar warts.
How else to remove papillomas from the body at home? Healers recommend the use of:
- potato juice;
- honey combined with celandine (in equal proportions);
- tincture of nuts in kerosene (1 to 10);
- egg white;
- pine sawdust.
You should not use "popular" methods on papillomas, which are located on the mucous membrane (in the genital area, lips, nose). At best, only one burn will remain; at worst, ulcers will appear. And before attempting to remove papillomas on your own, you should consult a dermatologist on your own.
Can papillomas be cauterized with fire? This method is often recommended in thematic forums. It is also strictly prohibited! Especially if the neoplasm is not symmetrical. It is quite possible that it is already a cancerous tumor. And moxibustion will only accelerate its growth.
What is the preferred treatment method

What is the best way to remove papillomas? The most traumatic method is the section, that is, surgical removal with a scalpel. After that, a noticeable scar remains, and the skin in these places is often marked.
It is best to remove papillomas from the face with a laser, but only if the doctor allows it. In this case, the neoplasm is removed in layers. Consequently, the doctor will remove only the damaged tissues, without affecting the healthy ones. The burn itself disappears after about 2 to 9 months (depending on the size and depth).
What is the best way to remove papillomas in the intimate area? Most of the time, a laser or an electric knife is used there (depending on the type of cancer). In some cases, the scalpel section is used if there is a suspicion of transformation of the papilloma into a tumor.
In cosmetology, the removal of papillomas is most often performed with the same laser or radio wave therapy. But experts recommend contacting specialist centers - they have the necessary equipment for histological analysis.

But the final decision on how to properly remove the papilloma is made exclusively by the attending physician. And you must not abandon the prescribed treatment - sooner or later, you will still have to get rid of the neoplasm.
So, is it necessary to remove the papillomas? Necessarily, since they are a source of infection.
How to remove papillomas from the body? It is best to entrust the choice of method to a doctor. It will be preferable to remove it with an electric scalpel (for papillomas in the "leg") and a laser.
How to get rid of papillomas once and for all? In addition to its removal, it will also be necessary to restore the functioning of the immune system, and then - to cure the entire organism.
The main thing is not to postpone the doctor's appointment and start therapy as soon as possible. In an early stage of the HPV manifestation, the disease recedes quickly. In the later stages, complex treatment is indispensable. And most of the time it involves taking immunomodulators in combination with antiviral drugs. And they are very expensive, and the course of treatment will take several months.